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Tips for cooling your apartment and information regarding the use of cooling devices

Summer has allowed us to enjoy warm days and the temperatures are rising also indoors. Please see below for some tips that may help you if you feel that it gets too hot in your apartment:

1. Check that the radiator thermostats are closed. Bathroom radiators and floor heating remain on in most locations throughout the year. Bathroom heating must not be turned off because the space will not otherwise dry properly.

2. Check that air vents are open, and that outgoing air is flowing normally.

3. It is advisable to keep curtains, windows and doors closed during the day in the summer to avoid the sun and hot air heating up the apartment. Airing the apartment should be done when it’s cooler early in the morning, in the evening or at night, preferably on the shady side. If the layout of your apartment allows it, air flows best with cross-draught (windows open on opposite sides).

4. If the above tips are not enough, you can obtain a device that circulates and cools air. Before using such a device, please read through the below TYS instructions and make sure to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Regarding the use of cooling devices

If typical methods for cooling your apartment aren’t enough, tenants may obtain air circulating and cooling devices to their homes.

There are several different kinds of devices for air conditioning and cooling available for purchase in stores, such as different kinds of fans and mobile cooling units, which rely on cold-cell refrigeration. It is allowed to use these in TYS apartments. However, please note that tenants are not allowed to install any permanent fixtures. The tenant is liable to any damage caused to the facility, structures, or materials, such as windows, by such installations or devices, and will be required to pay for the repair of any such damage. It is forbidden to install, for example air source heat pump/air conditioning unit in the apartment.

Air cooling devices also pose a risk for water damage, which tenants should be wary of when using such devices. Many devices include a separate tank for condensation water, which tenants must observe, and it is important to be aware that any device can malfunction. Cooling devices must never be left unsupervised while they are on, and you must not leave the apartment while the device is on or leave it running overnight. In worst case, water overflowing from the device may cause water damage, and the tenant will be liable to pay for the repair of such damage. Please familiarize yourself thoroughly with the manufacturer’s instructions before taking any device into use.