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Rents of Kuunsilta apartments as of 1st August 2021 and transition to consumption-based water billing in the renovated apartments of the Kuunsilta housing location

By 27.5.2021June 2nd, 2021No Comments

On 18th March 2021, the Board of the Turku Student Village Foundation confirmed the rents of the Kuunsilta housing location as of 1st August 2021. Water is not included in the rents for the renovated apartments of Kuunsilta, but will be charged separately based on consumption as of 1st August 2021.

With the amendment to the Energy Efficiency Act, water billing based on consumption in each apartment is mandatory in apartments that have apartment-specific water meters installed on the basis of a building permit issued after the entry into force of the legislation. On the basis of a building permit issued after the entry into force of the legislation, meters will be installed in the apartments to be renovated in stairways F–X of Kuunsilta, for which consumption-based billing will be mandatory. At the same time, water meters will be installed, and consumption-based water billing will also be introduced as of 1st August 2021 in the apartments in stairways A–E that were renovated in 2019–2020. The practical arrangements for invoicing of the consumed water will be announced in more detail before invoicing begins.

Water meters will not be installed and consumption-based billing will not be introduced in the apartments in stairways F–X that are not renovated. The rents for some of the non-renovated apartments will decrease as of 1st August 2021. The rent for these apartments will continue to include water.

The tenants of Kuunsilta will receive rent review notifications by email of the new rents and the transition to consumption-based water billing.