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Freedom to move with your own car, without owning a car? Yes, please!

A fabulous find from a flea market, a great shopping trip to Ikea, or heavy grocery shopping for a party? A nice weekend trip ahead but no public transport available that matches your schedule? Every now and then, you find yourself in a situation where it would be much easier to have your own car as opposed to public transport, which rarely gets you to and from the doorstep when you need it to – even if it works just fine for your everyday life.

Let’s face it, owning a car does bring you the freedom to move in your own schedule when you need to, but it still has its downside – environmental and financial. Buying it already comes with a price, and on top of it, the insurance, maintenance and repairs, tyres, other mandatory costs – phew! Especially when you are studying, your expenses-to-income ratio is high. Therefore, it might be a smart choice to avoid this kind of expenses for as long as you can.

We at TYS wanted to ease our tenants’ lives by bringing shared cars to the Student Village and Nummenranta. The cars can be rented as needed by tenants in all our housing locations. This way, you have access to a car when you need it without worrying about continuous expenses or hunting for a parking space in crowded parking places.

For several years now, tenants have had access to a van leased by 24Rent and an electric car leased by Omago at Nummenranta as well as a hybrid passenger car leased by 24Rent at Student Village East. In the beginning of February, we also got a new hybrid car leased by Omago to the parking place at the end of Inspehtorinkatu for the tenants to use. The cars have been very popular among tenants – leases for the 24Rent van especially increase at the end of each month, while those for the passenger cars are typically more evenly distributed along each month. Omago’s electric car has been particularly mobile – last year, its monthly bookings ranged from less than 60 all the way to about 130!

If you have not yet gotten to know our shared cars, go and have a look – the vehicles are pretty nice!

Safe drifting,
Aila Kovanen
Real Estate Assistant

Psst. When booking your first drive with Omago, you can get an EUR 10 discount by using the code TESTIAJO. When booking the 24Rent cars, you can use the code BKHPT to get 15% discount on weekdays (Monday to Friday).