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Club Rooms

Our locations have club rooms that are intended for the tenants’ shared recreational activities

A clubroom in almost every housing location

Feel like playing board games or watching a movie with some friends? Almost all of our housing locations have a club room that tenants can book free of charge. Tenants can book the club room in their housing location through the Tenant Pages.

By booking the club room, tenants agree to follow the club room rules as stated below on this page. The rules ensure that the club rooms remain clean and comfortable for everyone, and their use doesn’t cause unnecessary disturbance to the tenants living in the building.

Club room rules

1. TYS regulations apply to the club rooms as well.

2. The tenant who booked the club room is responsible for the cleanliness of the space and any possible rule violations or damages that occur during their club room reservation.

3. If you notice any faults in the club room, make a fault report to TYS through your Tenant Pages.

4. The club room must be vacated by the end of the booked reservation. The club rooms are not in use after 11pm, when the silent times begin.

5. Tenants can invite friends and family members to join them in the club room during their reservation. The tenant who made the booking must ensure that guests follow the club room rules.

6. Sharing the club room door code is strictly prohibited. The tenant who made the booking is responsible for monitoring access to the club room during their reservation and closing the door after the reservation is over.

7. The club rooms can not be used for any type of commercial activities.

Student Village, West Yo-kylä 8D4 More information about the club room
Student Village, East Yo-kylä 50 A 7 More information about the club room
Yo-talot 11th floor of building C, in connection to the sauna facilities (cannot be reserved separately)
Tavasti Downstairs in stairwell A
(cannot be reserved separately)
Nummenranta 17 C, in connection to 5th floor sauna facilities
(cannot be reserved separately)
Ikituuri In connection to the 12th floor sauna facilities
(cannot be reserved separately)
Haliskylä Kuohukuja 1 B More information about the club room
Pilvilinna Emmauksenkatu 7 I More information about the club room
Kuunsilta Ritzinkuja 1 S More information about the club room
Kotivalo Ritzinkuja 4 I, basement floor More information about the club room
Iltakajo Building C, 1st floor More information about the club room
Ispuri Basement floor of building A
(cannot be reserved separately)
Auringonnousu Daycare centre’s building More information about the club room
Aitiopaikka First floor of C stairs More information about the club room
Tyyssija First floor of C stairs More information about the club room

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