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Changes to waste management – what should tenants know?

The Waste Act was updated, and now waste management operations have been put out to tender again all over Finland. To make the transition go as smoothly as possible, TYS is co-operating with Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto, which is responsible for waste management tenders in Turku region.

Along with the new Waste Act, municipalities took over the responsibility for transporting packaging waste and biowaste. From now on, the municipality-owned Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto (LSJH) is responsible for waste management tenders in Turku region. Waste transportation duties will be gradually passed on to entrepreneurs tendered by LSJH during the next few years.

In Turku region, the entrepreneurs tendered by LSJH are already responsible for all other waste bins except those with wheels. As of the beginning of October, the new entrepreneurs will also start taking care of the waste bins with wheels: cardboard, metal, plastics and glass. Biowaste transportation duties will be gradually passed on to tendering by LSJH during 2024.

How will this change affect the everyday life of TYS’s tenants?

As of October, you may see different-looking waste trucks visiting TYS’s waste areas but nothing much will change about other aspects of waste sorting. There should not be any major disruptions, since TYS has provided LSJH with the waste bin details for all housing locations well in advance.

However, we do wish that tenants will notify us if any of the waste bins at TYS’s housing locations remain without emptying for a longer time. You can notify about waste bins that have been full for a long time through the tenant pages or by e-mail to When notifying, please specify the waste bin(s) in question.

Most of TYS’s housing locations have multiple waste areas. We recommend using the other waste areas of the housing location, if the nearest waste bins are full.

– We hope that nobody leaves their waste bags in lying around, even if a waste bin is temporarily full. Waste bags that are left on the ground diminish the comfort of living and attract pests, says TYS’s real estate assistant Aila Kovanen.

Waste areas will continue to include designated bins for glass, metal, plastics, cardboard and biowaste. After a transition period of about a year, we will start calling burnable waste mixed waste, but the name change does not affect sorting per se.

– The renewal of Waste Act will bring new obligations to housing companies, but all of these obligations have already been fulfilled at TYS’s housing locations. Our tenants have also typically been very diligent waste-sorters, praises Kovanen.

TYS will monitor the changes to waste management at its housing locations and provide the tenants with additional instructions as needed.