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Resident of the Student Village: Become a mentor for the RESPONSE project!

By 12.1.2021February 4th, 2021No Comments

Are you interested in environmental, climate or energy issues? Or perhaps you’re into communication, advocacy work or event planning? Would you like to become part of an international project and contribute to the creation of a positive energy district, together with other like-minded Student Village residents?

The RESPONSE project is now looking for ten peer mentors from among the residents of the Student Village area (Aitiopaikka, Ikituuri, Nummenranta, Student Village West or Student Village East). The peer mentors will aim at increasing the knowledge about environmental and energy issues in the Student Village and inspire other residents to become involved. The mentor activities may include e.g.:

  • planning and creating new environmental activities to the Student Village
  • planning and organizing small-scale environmental events in the Student Village
  • mapping the views of the residents in different ways, e.g. by gathering short videos about how environmental and energy issues are present in the residents’ daily lives as well as following the discussion in social media about these topics
  • bring forth the resident perspective in the project when needed
  • taking part in the mentor network activities, e.g. monthly meetings

Being a peer mentor is estimated to take approximately 10 hours per month, however in the spring of 2021 when the mentors are being inducted to their role and the mentoring is launched, a few extra hours should be reserved. The roles and the workload of individual mentors can be adjusted according to preferences. The mentors will be inducted to their role and the idea is that the mentors will support each other. No one is expected to work alone!

There is no financial compensation for mentoring, but the peer mentors will gain valuable experience of e.g. communication, advocacy and organizing events as part of an international project and a chance to build valuable contacts for the working life. All mentors will receive a certificate for their participation. On a case-by-case basis, depending e.g. on the mentor’s role and field of study, possibilities for study credits, thesis or internship can be explored. We hope for a commitment of at least one year to the mentoring. The peer mentoring as well as other resident cooperation in the project is coordinated by Turku University of Applied Sciences.

Became interested?

Apply for becoming a mentor by sending us a short (max A4) motivation letter and tell us:

  • why you want to become a mentor
  • why you would be a good mentor
  • which Student Village location you live in (Aitiopaikka, Ikituuri, Nummenranta, Student Village West or Student Village East
  • your field of study
  • for how long you are able to commit to mentoring

Send the motivation letter as an e-mail attachment by 14th February 2020 to If you have any further questions about mentoring, you can send them to the same e-mail address.

RESPONSE – Integrated Solutions for Positive Energy and Resilient Cities is a five-year international Horizon 2020 project. During the project a variety of energy-positive solutions will be implemented in the Turku Student Village. The organizations involved in the project include e.g. City of Turku, TYS, Turku Energia, Turku University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku, Turku City Data, VTT and FMI. For more information about the project, see &




This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement nº 957751. The document represents the view of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility: it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA). The European Commission and the Agency do not accept responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.