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TYS Delegation autumn meeting discussed carbon-neutral Turku and confirmed the TYS action plan and budget for 2020

The autumn meeting of the Delegation of the Student Village Foundation of Turku (TYS) took place on 25 November. The Delegation has 46 members of which 25 are elected by the City of Turku. The rest of the board members are selected by The Regional Council of Southwest Finland, Turku Chamber of Commerce, Savings Banks’ Union Coop, OP Cooperative, University of Turku, Turku Finnish University Society, Åbo Akademi University, Åbo Akademi University Foundation, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Student Union of Åbo Akademi University, Student Union of Turku University of Applied Sciences – TUO, Turku Vocational Institute and Student Union Novium, Student Union of the University of Turku, and TYS tenants.

To start off the meeting, Risto Veivo, Development Manager for the City of Turku, presented the Delegation with the City of Turku Group climate plan that aims at a carbon-neutral Turku by 2029. The plan also encourages local residents, businesses and communities to join the City of Turku in taking action. In his presentation, Veivo mentioned the solar panels at TYS housing location Aitiopaikka as an example of climate action in Turku. TYS is committed to the City of Turku climate targets.

After Veivo’s presentation, CEO Risto Siilos talked through the TYS action plan and budget for 2020, which were confirmed by the Delegation. Before adjourning the meeting, the Delegation appointed auditors for the 2019 financial statement.