Even though electricity and almoast all housing locations also water are included in the rent in TYS apartments, it’s good to keep in mind that energy consumption has an impact on the availability of energy, the environment as well, and also creates costs for TYS. Saving energy is important for curbing climate change, securing access to energy, reducing the need to import energy, lowering energy costs and protecting the environment.
Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to problems with energy prices and energy access in Finland and throughout Europe. During the cold months the price of electricity and heating will be exceptionally high.
Everyone should also be prepared for intermittent energy shortages. Shortages might be caused by long freezing periods with no wind, low supply of Nordic hydropower electricity, power plant outages or maintenance outages and high electricity demand in Central Europe. Electricity shortages might lead to distribution outages. The risk of outages can be reduced by paying close attention to your electricity consumption habits and times.
Reducing water consumption is important to save the environment. In TYS apartments, the water is heated depending on the housing locations with district or geothermal heating. Reducing water consumption not only saves the water itself, but also the energy used for its cleaning, heating, transportation and post-treatment of wastewater.
We are challenging all our tenants to join our energy saving campaign between 10th October 2022 ans 28th of February 2022 as well as a competition to find out which TYS housing locations manage to save the most energy. Even small actions can bring about large savings. At the end of the campaign we will reveal the housing location or locations which managed to lower their electricity and water consumption the most. The tenants of the winning location(s) who have chosen to participate in a prize draw will have the chance to win Ruohonjuuri gift card worth 20 €!