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(Ugly)Singing in a different country.

By 25.3.2019No Comments

When we are kids, we all go through the phase “I want to be a singer”. Many of my friends fed that dream at least for a few years when they became part of the choir in kindergarten.

Not me.

I was not among those lucky ones, singing in front of the school, with their perfect uniform and an expression of solemnity, I was told since then that my thing my thing, was not precisely singing. Did it break my heart? Of course! So I promised myself to never sing back again in public…..

Fortunately, most of the resolutions we made when we were six y/o, change after a few years, otherwise we would still avoiding that one friend that didn’t want to share his/her chips during lunch break. My resolution lasted more years than expected and I even declined my mom’s offer to take me to singing classes.

Facing Fears…

How did I end up singing “Besame mucho” with my finnish/italian friend, in a Finnish karaoke called “pocket bar”?

Just like I ended up living in Turku: I took a leap of faith, embraced who I am and decided not to care about what the others think…..

Probably, for those having to listen to my terrible voice, was not the best night of their lives, but for me, was a moment of self-discovery. Being in front of people that you don’t know, showing that side of you that you are most ashamed of, not caring about anything else than to have fun, was a cathartic moment.

The results…

I felt as free as never before. I laughed and danced, embraced my flaws and hugged the six years old living inside me, who was feeling proud of herself, of myself.

Now I feel empowered. If I was brave enough to ugly sing in a karaoke in Finland, then I’m brave enough to accomplish anything I want.

Watch out world, this Mexican with “not-a-pretty-voice” is ready to speak out.