Living and studying in another country means different things to different people. Romantically, it is a rare, beautiful and exciting period of life that not everyone is lucky enough to experience. You are able to experience a completely new culture and society, meet people from all walks of life, and have international friendships that last for lifetime and so on. Realistically, sometimes it means early mornings’ classes, stressful examinations, long (winter) nights struggling with essays or projects, and also planning to do your laundries a few days in advance.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining. If anything, studying abroad is a great opportunity for us all to perfect the art of time management. In order to get things done, we all have to do quite a bit of planning every day. Doing laundry is usually deemed less significant as submitting the final essay before the deadline or finishing your school projects; however, only to a certain extent. At some point, you will definitely run out of clean pieces, and wishing you had scheduled some time for the laundry earlier. Maybe just book’em in advance then?
No washing machine? No problem.
Doing the laundry without owning a washing machine is super easy and convenient for students living in TYS’s apartments, however. As TYS’s tenants, you have access to the booking system via personal accounts, which allows you to reserve laundry turns beforehand. You just need a bit of planning, some washing credits and book them in advance. Depending on the living areas, you will be directed to the nearest washing room(s) in your location.

The ” Mega Laundry Room” aka Laundry Room House Office as named in the system

As for me, living in Student Village West allows me to choose 3 different laundry rooms; one of those has up to 5 washing machines and 2 drying tumblers. Each washing turn equals the use of one washing machine, and it costs 1 credit. Washing credits can be purchased directly from the website. Since the demand for the service is high, you will need to plan the laundry several days ahead. Personally, I believe it helps greatly for those of us who are a little bit unorganized, because you would be “forced” to schedule your daily tasks beforehand if you want to have clean clothes.
TYS Booking App
The booking website is also used for booking sauna’s turns, parking space and storage. I usually only use the website when I need to reload my washing credits, since I book the laundry and sauna turns via the TYS Booking App. I much prefer booking from the App to the website since it is very easy and quick. I only have to register once when first installing the app, after that I don’t need to log in again.
Plus, the app also alerts you 15 minutes before your reservation, in case you forget, you still have plenty of time to get there. The washing code only invalidates 15 minutes after your booking time has started. At the moment, the app only allows users to book washing and sauna turns. Although it works perfectly, as I have never had any problems using it, hopefully there will be more functions added in the future. For instance, checking credit account balance and reloading credits would be very much appreciated :).

Hello blog readers! Thank you for stopping by. I am a Vietnamese student at UTU majoring in Education, loving and living life here in Turku , Finland. I’m gonna write about the exciting life of an international student who’s trying to complete her degrees while learning to appreciate the Finnish weathers <3.